Tuesday, May 3, 2011

short entry to research project

I still have a little bit trouble with starting my paper. I wrote what my paper is going to be about and I stated my thesis. But since I found a really good and trust able source about the life of Upton Sinclair, I have a hard time not to just write the same. I think I researched a lot about him and his life and I know what kind of person he was but i still have a hard time to put this into words. My first paragraph should be only about Sinclair. In the next one I want to write about the historical background and the "Progressive Movement". My last paragraph should be about what made Sinclair write his novel and what is he trying to say. Furthermore I want to point out the effects that the publication of this novel had on the general public and the government. I got a lot to do. My biggest problem is that I do not really know how top put my thoughts into words.
Since I will not be here for tomorrow's long period class and therefore will not have class time to work on it, I will have to find some time to work on it on my own and see you in the library in case I need further help.

(This blog was created on Monday, but it could not be saved by blogger since it was after 12 pm and the Internet had cut off.)

1 comment:

  1. I hope that you have managed to get a start. I understand about finding a source that says most of what you want to say and feeling like you should just copy it. What you will want is your own support for the position. I hope that makes sense; what you have to do is to take on the argument that you have chosen and cite the materials you have found to support that argument. If you find that the source that says what you want is covering that same ground, then go and see if you can find some of the sources that it uses. Above all, build your own argument.
